Lekki British School

Parents as Partners

The EYFS emphasises that parents are a child’s primary educators and therefore encourages parents
to contribute to their child’s learning. Parent partnerships are key to a successful Early Years
experience for children and for them to gain the most out of their early education and reach expected
levels of development. This responsibility usually falls to the teacher to ensure an effective
relationship is built and to share information at the beginning and end of the day and also at various
other points such as meetings to discuss development.

Why are parent partnerships so important?

  • Parents know their children best
  • To create a shared level of expectation
  • To share information about new levels of development, any concerns and any new likes or
  • To keep up to date with what is happening inside and outside the school
  • Parents can feel secure to seek advice, help and support should they need it
  • Improve practice and outcomes for the children, ensuring every child has their full individual
    needs met.

We in LBS enjoy working with our parents to ensure their children make good progress in school. We
keep our parents informed about their children’s learning and other school activities through mediums
such as:

  • Meet the Teacher Evening
  • Parents’ Seminar
  • Parents-Teachers Conference
  • Academic Review Day
  • Curriculum guideline
  • Learning focus
  • Communication diary
  • Newsletters
  • One-on- one meetings


January 20th, 2024

April 13th, 2024

June 15th, 2024